Thursday 9 July 2015

The Gratitude Attitude

There are inspirational stories and then there are those which move you in a profound way.

I love seeing how people respond to their own personal adversity and this woman, Ann Davis, has done it in a way which we haven't touched on yet on this blog.

She has surrounded herself with gratitude everyday and is now living a hugely rewarding life after the devastating news that, rather than becoming pregnant, she needed a hysterectomy. Her dream of holding a new-born child had been dashed but she decided to make gratitude her daily walk.

In this intimate blog post she shows seven ways how gratitude can transform your life and how she has followed each one of them. 

It really is worth ten minutes of your time to read and absorb the message in her post – no matter what our challenges, there is so much we can be grateful for. 

And being grateful can transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

You can click on the link here.

My own form of daily gratitude is to appreciate the little things which we could otherwise rush past. The kindness of a stranger, the blossoming of a flower, the smile of a family member or a cup of tea drunk just at the right temperature (!) are all things which feature in my gratitude. It helps me be happier and realise that even when lots of bad stuff is happening, good stuff is happening too.

What are you grateful for?

 photo credit: <a href="">David Steindl-Rast It is not happiness that makes us grateful, it is gratefulness that makes us happy</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. This reminds me of an old proverb I once saw (can't recall the origin).

    "Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, when all the while a great wind carries me across the sky."

    I'm grateful for my wife, my health, and my family, all of home are living nearby and in good health. It's easy to forget these things in the day-to-day.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post, Pete!

  2. Great quote Eric and thanks for contributing. The proverb is attributed to the Ojibwe people of North America according to sources on the internet. It's a saying full of imagery isn't it?
